#11 Writing strategies: HEDGING and BOOSTING.


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Last visited October 12nd 2020.  

HEDGING is the expression of tentativeness and possibility in language use. It represents an absence of certainty. 

    Features used in HEDGING:
      Lexical verbs: indicate - propose - assumne - estimate - suggest - appear - tend to - argue
        Adverbial constructions: often - almost - occasionally - sometimes - quite - usually - probably - certainly 
          Modal verbs: must - will/would - should - may - can/could - might 
              Writers/ Researchers use hedging techniques for two reasons: 
                1) To tone down their statements in order to reduce the threat of opposition from other  researchers.
                  2) To avoid overstating their results as they are aware that theirs may not be the final word on the issue.
                      A) Categorical claim: 
                             The issues highlighted in this study are applicable to all participating institutions.
                               Hedged claim: 
                                 The issues highlighted in this study may be applicable to many participating institutions.

                                B)  Categorical claim: 
                                       Government support will assure the spread of new knowledge and 
                                         the  skills necessary to use the internet to thousands of people in rural areas.
                                             Hedged claim: 
                                               Government support may help with the spread of new knowledge and the 

                                               skills necessary to use the internet to thousands of people in rural areas.

                                              C)  Categorical claim:
                                                      The study proves the link between smoking and lung disease.

                                                          Hedged claim: 
                                                           The study indicates/ suggests a (possible)  link between smoking and lung disease.

                                                          D) Categorical claim:
                                                                 The number of unemployed people will continue to raise as the poor economic situation 
                                                                       Hedged claim: 
                                                                         The number of unempluyed people will probably continue to raise as the poor economic  
                                                                           situation persists.

                                                                          E) Categorical claim:
                                                                                This (and subsequent) atudies led to the conclusion that GTP itself must be the elusive base 
                                                                                  and therefore to the proposal of GTP as base mechanism. (Scheweins et al.1994, 1995).

                                                                                  Hedged claim:

                                                                                  This (and subsequent) atudies led to the conclusion that GTP itself may be the elusive
                                                                                  base, and therefore to the proposal of GTP as base mechanism. (Scheweins et al.1994, 1995).

                                                                                HEDGING AND BOOSTING. 

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                                                                                Last visited October 12nd 2020.  

                                                                                Boosting is the opposite of Hedging. Whereas Hedging softens a statement,
                                                                                 Boosting stregthens it so that a strong point of view can be presented. It is also used to persuade the reader of the author´s point.

                                                                                Features used in BOOSTING:

                                                                                Adverbs of frequency: always - never

                                                                                Adverbs and adjectives of certainty: certain - obvious - definite - conclusive - evident - certainly - obviously - definitely - conclusively - evidently

                                                                                Modal verbs: will - should 

                                                                                Other verbs: show - prove - evidence

                                                                                SOME EXAMPLES:

                                                                                will always respond positively in such circumstances.

                                                                                Certainly, this has had an impact on learning outcomes.

                                                                                certainly has had an impact on learning outcomes.

                                                                                This has an
                                                                                obvious impact on learning outcomes

                                                                                obviously has an impact on learning outcomes.

                                                                                This will have an impact on future research in the field.

                                                                                These figures
                                                                                prove that there has been strong growth as a result of policy change.

                                                                                Headging and Boosting make a big difference to the message.


                                                                                These sales figures suggest a possible increase in consumer confidence , which may have an impact on our share prices.


                                                                                Clearly, these sales figures show a definite increase in consumer confidence, which will undoubtedly have an impact on our share price.

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                                                                                HEDGING IN ACADEMIC WRITING

                                                                                HEDGING AND BOOSTING

                                                                                Hedging and Boosting


                                                                                Once I have watched the videos and finally understood what hedging and boosting strategies meant, I can compare it now with stressed and unstressed words, sounds, rhythms, theme and rheme, and other concepts that involve “highs and lows”. Perhaps, as I am not a professional writer, I was not aware to use these resources effectively. I will try to apply them from now onwards. It is impressive how using the correct adverb or verb, you can strike a balance and create an interesting piece of writing.       

                                                                                Leticia Flocco

                                                                                GROUP WORK: Laura Costa, Leticia Flocco, Marcela Mannella


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