
#13 What is an abstract?

  click to open click to open Retrieved from the website.  Available at: https://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/abstract Last visited: Oct. 30th, 2020 Source: The University of Melbourne. Retrieved from the website. Available at:  https://services.unimelb.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/471274/Writing_an_Abstract_Update_051112.pdf  Last visited: Oct. 21st, 2020 Source: University of Southern California. Retrieved from the website. Available at:  https://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/abstract  Last visited: Oct.21st. 2020. Group work:   Costa Laura, Flocco Leticia, Mannella Marcela Beyond the time we have been dealing with academic material, formal writing articles and abstracts, they have become unavoidable texts if we are willing to study from genuine material. It is fair to admit that they have assigned a huge role at the moment of gaining time because they work like shortcuts to our mind. It could be impossible to preview academic texts without abstracts. This is why it is funda

#12 - Articles and Abstracts

ARTICLES CAE (CPE)    CLICK TO OPEN Some exercises  to solve... Abstracts: Academic Articles are part of the genres that teachers can write if they want to do research, if they want to study from "authentic material". We are going to analyse them, so get ready for an interesting description of ARTICLES. Not only do FORMAL (academic) ARTICLES share these features, but also they are headed by ABSTRACTS. So, let's delve into this "new genre". An abstract is an independent text that comprises the most important concepts of the paper, the purpose of the research, the state of the art, what is missing, and the results of the investigation. When writing an abstract avoid: Long background information, parahrased sentences, too many adverbs or adjectives, Acronyms or abbreviations, quotes or references from other sources, e.g. "studies have indicate that..."figures, statistics, tables, etc. There are four types of abstracts: Critical, descriptive, informativ

#11 Writing strategies: HEDGING and BOOSTING.

THE IMPORTANCE OF HEDGING / (Inc)   Retrieved from:  https://youtu.be/N_gM_GNU0Rw Last visited October 12nd 2020.    HEDGING is the expression of tentativeness and possibility in language use. It represents an absence of certainty.  Features used in HEDGING: Lexical verbs: indicate - propose - assumne - estimate - suggest - appear - tend to - argue Adverbial constructions : often - almost - occasionally - sometimes - quite - usually -  probably - certainly  Modal verbs: must - will/would - should - may - can/could - might    Writers/ Researchers use hedging techniques for two reasons:  1) To tone down their statements in order to reduce the threat of opposition from other   researchers. 2) To avoid overstating their results as they are aware that theirs may not be the final word on the issue. Examples:  A) Categorical claim:       The issues highlighted in this study are applicable to all participating  institutions.       Hedged claim:       The issues highlighted in this study


Between unavoidable mistakes and an excellent title…             It has been a hard week for me, the experience of writing and essay for the first time in my life, is not a piece of cake. As I wrote before, in my last metacognitive analysis, a deep sensation of endless revision makes us struggle all day long. We cannot disconnect from a part of our brain that still doubts about what we have handed in. In my case, I can assure I gathered information about refugees, from videos, articles and audios. I have got involved with the work and perhaps, as the way I delved into the theme, the issues seemed so unfair that I ended feeling sad and empathetic. I cried many times, I couldn´t believe this world we live in, is such a horrific place for many innocent people. I decided to express all these in my writing, as much as it was possible. First, to explain to myself why refugees are being expelled into nothingness in order to feed the mouth of voracious war beasts. Then, due to  research, it wa

#9 WRITING PROJECT Refugees - Part 3.

    DECONSTRUCTION PROCESS: "I've spent the whole morning correcting a text, and actually I removed only one comma. In the afternoon, I added it." Oscar Wilde. "Publico, para dejar de corregir." Jorge Luis Borges. "Writing is very easy. You simply have to remove the incorrect words." Mark Twain. Un corazón simple, Gustave Flaubert The Tiger, William Blake Finnegan's Wake, by James Joyce. 1984, by George Orwell. Retrieved from:  https://isfd41-bue.infd.edu.ar/aula/prg_texto.cgi?wAccion=ver_texto&id_texto=3738&id_unidad=4504&id_curso=170 Last visited September 24st 2020. These texts correspond to two different text types (informative, descriptive text types) and three genres. They are written genres, formal; the first one is a piece of news, the second one is an academic paper and the third one is a chapter from a book. Needless to say, these are all excerpts.   Retrieved from:  https://isfd41-bue.infd.edu.ar/aula/prg_texto.cgi?wAccion=ve

#9 WRITING PROJECT Refugees - Part 2.

       Academic genres include essays, articles, papers, abstracts, among many others. Let's focus our attention on the first one: ESSAY . As you know there are different kinds of essays:  descriptive, narrative, persuasion, expository, comparative, opinion, argumentative essays . Basically they are 5-paragraph long formal texts (although they can be longer, of course). HOW TO WRITE A 5-PARAGRAPH ESSAY Retrieved from:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwjmMtTVO1g&t=3s Last visited September 24st 2020.  Interactive board please click to open * Thesis statements: How to improve them. Retrieved from:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R0ivCaLtnY Last visited September 24st 2020.  Interactive board click to open * GROUP WORK : Laura Costa, Leticia Flocco, Marcela Mannella SOME WORDS AFTER THE STORM      After you wrote your first essay you might feel confused and unsure that what you have done is properly done…You can doubt in front of every single word you have chosen. Headaches

#9 WRITING PROJECT Refugees - Part 1.

"WE REFUGEES" - Benjamin Zephaniah   It is a daily issue that people swarm from one place to another all over the world. Although there are vague reasons to choose how to name a human being, calling them “migrant” or “refugee” will depend on the place they arrive and remain. Benjamin Zephaniah does not doubt in calling his poem “We refugees”, he is blunty aware of what he wants to transmit. While he describes multiple situations why people are pushed out from their homelands, he also emphasizes that everyone can be a refugee. Wars, racism, hazardous weather, religious, political and ideological motives, sexual harassment, mainly any human right violation, are some of the causes hundreds of people throng to knock on the door of  wealthy and safer countries. Nowadays, society´s lack of empathy makes refugees feel  even worst than the problem that originated their expulsion. Wisely, the poet states that no one is safe anywhere and inevitably reality can change in the blink