Between unavoidable mistakes and an excellent title…
It has been a hard week for me, the experience of writing and essay for the first time in my life, is not a piece of cake. As I wrote before, in my last metacognitive analysis, a deep sensation of endless revision makes us struggle all day long. We cannot disconnect from a part of our brain that still doubts about what we have handed in. In my case, I can assure I gathered information about refugees, from videos, articles and audios. I have got involved with the work and perhaps, as the way I delved into the theme, the issues seemed so unfair that I ended feeling sad and empathetic. I cried many times, I couldn´t believe this world we live in, is such a horrific place for many innocent people. I decided to express all these in my writing, as much as it was possible. First, to explain to myself why refugees are being expelled into nothingness in order to feed the mouth of voracious war beasts. Then, due to research, it was necessary to understand how things work and I discovered an organization which helped migrants and refugees, that explained clearly, how the cycle of greed functions.
What I consider the main goal of writing this essay, is the feedback I received, because I felt dedication and commitment from the other side…the same hard work I believe I have done. So, it took me a week to check if I have received a passing mark, to open the file and finally, discover many important lessons: to make mistakes, to fix mistakes, and keep on writing!
Leticia Flocco : )

The similarities and/or differences can be in EVERY body paragraph,
OR you may include (for example):similarities in body paragraphs 1 & 2
differences in body paragraph 3.
Title: NOUN PHRASE that summarizes contents ("Refugees", "Migrants in Europe" and the like, DO NOT seem appropriate titles!)
Paragr 2: TOPIC SENTENCE 1 (related to Thesis statement) + supporting material.
Paragr 3: TOPIC SENTENCE 2 (related to Thesis statement) + supporting material.
Paragr 4: TOPIC SENTENCE 3 (related to Thesis statement) + supporting material.
Paragr 5: CONCLUSION PARAGRAPH (TS 1, 2 & 3 >>> NO Topic sentence!!)
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